Maximizing Credit Card Benefits: Avoid Debt and Gain Rewards

avoid debt credit card tips credit score boost financial strategies high yield savings personal finance reward points May 27, 2024

How can you enjoy credit card perks without drowning in high-interest debt? The key to harnessing the power of credit cards lies in paying off your balances in full each month. By doing so, you eliminate interest charges and avoid carrying over debt, keeping your financial health in check. This disciplined approach allows you to take advantage of rewards without falling into a financial trap.

Hey, Sheila here, your Dollar-Strategies Coach. Today, we’re diving into a question from one of our followers, Twila. She asks, “How can I maximize the benefits of credit cards while avoiding debt and high interest charges?” Great question, Twila! Let’s explore this together.

The Key to Avoiding High Interest Charges

The short answer: Pay off your credit card statement at the end of each month. By doing so, you avoid high interest charges because you’re not rolling over any debt to the next month. This simple habit can save you substantial amounts in interest fees over time.

The Jay Z and Beyoncé Insight

This conversation took an interesting turn when I thought about Jay Z and Beyoncé. Right after Beyoncé's renaissance tour, they purchased an $80 million mansion. They put down $20 million and took a mortgage for the remaining amount. Why not just pay cash, you might wonder?

 Smart Financial Move

Why would billionaires like Jay-Z and Beyoncé, choose to finance purchases instead of paying in full? Even those with considerable wealth often opt for financing to leverage their assets more effectively. By investing the money that could have gone towards a purchase, they can earn more through interest than the cost of the loan itself. This strategy underscores the importance of using money smartly, rather than just spending it.

Jay Z, being the savvy investor he is, likely put that $60 million into a high-yield savings or money market account. Even at a 5% annual percentage yield, he would earn $90 million in dividends over 30 years! This essentially means the house pays for itself. This strategy underscores the importance of making your money work for you, even when spending.

Turning Everyday Expenses into Earnings

How can you make your expenses work for you? Placing all monthly expenses on a credit card, while ensuring the balance is paid off each month, allows your cash to earn interest in a savings account. This not only covers your expenses but earns you extra money. It's a savvy way to make every dollar spent work harder for you, turning routine payments into opportunities for growth.

Though I’m not a billionaire (yet), this strategy made me rethink my finances. I have a high-yield savings account and credit cards. So, why not put all my monthly spending on my credit card? Apart from my mortgage, all expenses like water, electricity, groceries, everything goes on the credit card.

The 25-Day Strategy

I keep my money in my high-yield savings account for at least 25 days. The money I plan to spend each month earns interest or dividends before I use it. So, not only am I managing my expenses, but I’m also making my money work for me. It’s a win-win!

 Maximizing Reward Points

What are the benefits of maximizing credit card rewards? By effectively managing your credit card, you can accumulate significant rewards, cashback, and travel points. These can then be applied to your statement, reducing your expenses or funding future purchases. It's an approach that not only enhances your purchasing power but also rewards your financial discipline with tangible benefits.

Check your credit card statement for reward points. By maximizing travel points, cash back, and other offers, you can significantly reduce your expenses. For instance, I managed to earn $1,300 in rewards, which I then used to pay off my credit card balance. It felt like a bonus, extra money in my pocket!

 Maintaining a Healthy Credit Score

How does responsible credit card use impact your credit score? Keeping your credit utilization low and paying off your balance monthly can dramatically improve your credit score. This boost is a result of demonstrating to lenders that you are a low-risk borrower, capable of managing credit wisely. An improved credit score opens up opportunities for better rates on loans and mortgages, saving you money in the long term.

Stay within the 30% usage rule. This means only spending 30% of your available credit and paying off your balance each month. Doing this consistently has improved my credit score by 100 points! Remember, it’s not just about spending; it’s about mindful spending.

 Final Thoughts

For years, I was a cash-and-carry person, wary of credit cards due to past misuse. However, with better strategies and understanding, I now see the immense benefits of using credit cards wisely. You get to enjoy the perks, earn rewards, and boost your credit score.

So, make your money work for you. Use your credit cards, reap the benefits, pay off the balance each month, and stay within your budget. That’s my take on it. Until next time, happy spending wisely!

Be sure to follow these tips to maximize the benefits of your credit cards, avoid debt, and make your money grow. Talk to you soon!

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